Friday, June 29, 2007


This plant originates in South America, mainly in Brazil.

It is a robust, shrubby tropical plant with long, whorled, waxy, leathery leaves. The flowers are beautiful yellow, funnel-shaped trumpets. Prune branches back in the early spring.

LIGHT:The Allamanda does best as an outdoor or patio plant. Bring plant indoors over the winter. It is a most successful bloomer in a bright sunny location with at least 4 hours of direct sunlight per day.

TEMPERATURE: Allamandas like warm temperatures of no less than 60 degrees at night and daytime temperatures of 70° or higher.

24 hour of trading

WATER: Keep the soil moist and fertilize every two weeks during the growing season, less or no food the rest of the year. Water moderately during the growing season and sparingly in the winter.

Take stem cuttings to propagate in early spring. Use a rooting hormone and provide bottom heat.